Clothes Line Poles I Painted My Clothes Line Poles (they're Metal) And The Paint Is Peeling And Chipping Off. What Can I Do?
I painted my clothes line poles (they're metal) and the paint is peeling and chipping off. what can I do? - clothes line poles
I do not know what to do. Probably I'll paint again, but there is something special to do when I paint. I prim ...
has a metal guide
It sounds as though the sand and the first metal. Raw metal should be prepared with a primer for metal before painting or trays. He could have painted the poles, while they are wet. Wipe your old paint, sand and clean the pole with a good metal, then paint. That should do it ..
It sounds as though the sand and the first metal. Raw metal should be prepared with a primer for metal before painting or trays. He could have painted the poles, while they are wet. Wipe your old paint, sand and clean the pole with a good metal, then paint. That should do it ..
The color does not stick to metal. You should always take the metal before painting. If the pole is galvanized, you can wash with vinegar etching primer or give the best chance of holding. If you scour paint color problem emerges quickly. The more permanent solution would be to remove all old paint and start anew, or simply repainting every year.
rubbed with sandpaper rubbing metal 120grade shooting, regardless of a primer for metal, to a first outer layer and shine. Why is it cheaper to buy good paint Hammerite Metal
Chipping paint scratch .. then lightly sand to give the pole teeth do not paint ... Using a primer for metal .... and an inhibitor of metal-oxide color .... Rate this with polyurethane to protect the colors ... It should be for 5 years or more.
Do you have a primer for metal?
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