Visiting Nurse And Hospice Home Why Is Hospice In Skilled Nursing Facilities?

Why is Hospice in Skilled nursing facilities? - visiting nurse and hospice home

They have contacted us in a skilled nursing facility today to sign the papers of the mother
Hospice has come at no cost to other views and harder drugs, they (one
and now says her doctor neruolgist Tylenol for pain), but she is allergic
Hospices meds.Cannot best understood how and why --
require skilled nursing on state aid. You want us to also sign
far away from any kind of rehabilitation, such as language. etc. We just want to talk. Living in the State of Wisconsin. She had a stroke and is on the alert, but paralyzed the right side. A stomach tube. They have her in a wheelchair and take him to activities. And the dining room ..
Hospice Why do you get? Appreciate any assistance in this matter. Thanks


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